Monday, April 18, 2011

Max on Life Book Review

Included in the instruction book of any computer program or piece of electronic equipment is a section called, "Frequently Asked Questions," which is designed to help troubleshoot any problems that may arise when using the product.  This book, Max on Life, by Max Lucado, is the Bible-based FAQ section for the workings of life.  Mr. Lucado covers the topics of life, death, Heaven, Hell, angels, suicide, disciplining children, sex, and everyday life challenges. 

Mr. Lucado's answers are full of wisdom and comfort.  They are sometimes very blunt and straightforward, and are backed by scripture.  They are thought-provoking and challenging.  A thread of humor runs throughout his writings.  His answers are full of examples and "word pictures" to help the reader "see" his points and better understand the wisdom in his answers.  All of these great qualities are contained in short, wisdom-packed little essays to help readers sort through life's most challenging experiences.

The book contains 172 of these inspirational and informative answers to life's FAQ's.  It is divided into seven sections and has a topical and a scriptural index.  It also has an addendum on writing to help guide and encourage people to write "for the soul." 

Max on Life is a great book to read for answers, and can be used as a daily devotional book.  It is also a reference book to refer to many times for help with life's challenging problems.  I highly recommend this book. 

This book was given to me by Book Sneeze to read and write an honest review.  I did not receive any other compensation for writing this review. 


  1. Hi Regina, I could not find an e-mai address for ya, so hope you don't mind me commenting on this post. You can delete it after you read it. I sooo appreciate you listing me as your "newest follower". Ü
    And I am thrilled that you tried to add you button to my blog, sorry it didn't work for you. Here is my "java script", hope it works.

    Luv your blog header and background paper.

  2. Good morning!
    Sounds like a book worth the read. Have a great day!
